Apopthelema Entry 3 Part 2 by Kyle Nonneman
[Note: this was composed in prison where proof-reading facilities are notoriously bad. Please don't hold that against the author. You can contact Kyle through the link listed at the end of this entry.]
Apopthelema Entry 3 Part 2
by Kyle Nonneman
In George Smith's book Why Atheism? He discusses the short and easy refutation of atheism: "Even if the atheist is able to deny the existence of a particular god (e.g. the god of christianity) owing to its contradictory attributes this does not preclude the possibility that a god of some kind may still exist. Even if we cannot define adequately in human terms."
George Smith then rambles on a bit and grasps at straws and dosn't really provide any concrete rebuttal to this common attack on atheism. Smith's problem is largely due to the fact that his work panders to the masses. By cheaply pulling his punches in order to be more accessible to a mass market readership. He ignores the obvious answer to this common argument made by xians: Cosmicism. Do we as humans care about the feelings and opinions of cockroaches and maggots? Do we care about the moral and value systems of a centipede?
Of course we as a species are utterly apathetic to such basely pedantic concerns. In most cases our only interactions with those lower forms of life are in fact to exterminate them without remorse ever factoring into the equation. Because they are of course so far below our level of perception and cognition That they become non entities.
This is what our species is in the face of a higher power. We are so microscopic in comparison, that we will never grasp its presence, let alone understand its motives and identity, so for all intents and purposes it doesnt exist to us. Because its so far outside of our range of perception we cant even sense its presence. So why waste our lives chasing something thats beyond our comprehension? Why should we delude our selves into believing that a being intelligent enough and advanced enough to swim freely through "Black seas of infinity" is going to listen to the prayers and dreams of a parasitic species trapped perpetually on a "Placid island of ignorance".
Lovecraft by creating the Cthulhu mythos and the philosophy of cosmicism, in fact rendered that cheaply common attack on atheist reason obsolete. But George Smith, being a deconverted christian, not a natural atheist, still clings to some of those chains. He dosnt factor in the utter insignificance of humanity into his equation. Hes not ready to face the axiomatic truth that our existence is in fact meaningless.
As a result most of his work consists sadly of him trying as vainly as a xian to quixotically find meaning and purpose,where there is in fact none whatsoever. Furthermore George Smith states that writing a definitive philosophy of atheism would in fact be impossible. Despite Emma Goldman previously doing just that decades ago to powerful effect. George Smith also goes off topic and wastes readers time by attacking Ayn Rand in a thoroughly sophomoric fashion. To ignorantly attack the work of Ayn Rand in a book intended to promote logic and reason and advance atheist thought is as inane and irrationally counterproductive as a preacher giving sermon on the shortcomings and failures of christ.
Readers will find more relevant information on this topic and its relation to Lovecraftin in Ligotti's classic of modern philosophy and literary analysis: The Conspiracy Against The Human Race.