Sunday, May 1, 2016

Apopthelema Entry 2 Part 4 by Kyle Nonneman

[Note: this was composed in prison where proof-reading facilities are notoriously bad. Please don't hold that against the author.]

Apopthelema Entry 2 Part 4
by Kyle Nonneman


You can play the Crimethinc Mccarthyist witch hunt game and find links to "racist" black metal everywhere. Dimmu Borgir, one of the most well known false black metal bands beloved by the same fake assholes that buy cradle of poser filth cds, (its called cradle of filth because everything after TOTAL FUCKING DARKNESS is infantile shit.

If you need clean vocals and symphonic bullshit, then your alot like the sad old men at the nursing home who cant handle solid food anymore.) was originally on an allegedly NSBM label, No Colours.

No Colours put out the first Dimmu release, thats the same label Graveland was on before he started working with The National Alliance's record label Resistance. A lot of Metallica's early songs were directly inspired by H.P. Lovecraft, Lovecraft was a misanthropic separatist, he hated all of humanity, but he still held the belief that blacks were lower on the food chain , like beasts of burden and wrote about the horrors of miscegenation , as well as considering jews to be an exceptionally vile part of the already worthless human species. For one to simply say Lovecraft was racist is to admit to being ignorant of his philosophy of cosmicsim. He was a nihilistic misanthrope and a lot of his work dealt directly with humanity being forced into facing the fact that our existence is meaningless and were perpetually bound in ruin. Lovecraft's work was a statement against the specist conceited notion that mankind is the crown of creation, he stood up against the anthropomorphic bias and systems of denial used by lesser men to hide from the harsh realities of our disposable and inconsequential existence.

Of course if you're too fucking stupid to comprehend that, you can call him racist, and act like one of those christians that like to burn everything they dont understand.

The critics who try to dismiss Lovecraft because of his allegedly racist viewpoints, are of course completely incapable of writing anything remotely close to that level of unholy grim eloquence , let alone have the vast literary and cultural impact on the world Lovecraft does.The same goes for alot of black metal, American punks who act as detractors and protest against the themes of the scandanivan bands, dont get it anymore than S.T. Joshi does. They're immigrants and invaders afflicted with guilt and self loathing over being only a few generations removed from the terrorists who stole america . So they feel the need to make amends for the guilt they feel over there ancestors actions.Yet in doing so they adopt obvious xenophobic attitudes and label as fascist things unique to a foreign culture,simply because it dosnt fit in with their life experinces growing up in America. Alot more people in the racist underground have actually stepped up and waged direct war on the government than anarcho punks have.

I dont agree with Robert j. Mathews christian identity nonsense, but the man was fed up with the polite passive resistance of the all talk elements of the movement, and robbed alot of armored cars ,put the money back into the movement and died in a 36 hour machine gun battle with cops,u.s. marshalls and fbi agents, before they ended up burning his house down. Regardless of his misguided racism, That was more fucking hardcore than spiking a circle a/no gods no masters patch on the back of your jacket.

Peter Langan was a Transgender racist skinhead, who ended up in federal prison following the same extremist path Mathews did. American punks trying to play black metal, won't ever reach the elite level of the scandanivans that started it, nor will they ever get the recognition, they will never put out an album as good as Filosfem or Transivanian Hunger. They will always be in the shadows . So motivated by jealousy, these sore losers, instead of trying to create there own sound, would rather bitch and complain in zines in order to disarm and discredit there superiors. Im sick of fucking hearing it. If the music is about misanthropic destruction and blatantly antichristian, and its good music, I'm down. My only issue with hate crimes and racism, is the whole human race needs to be exterminated not just one part of it.

Were all a weed species that has a parasitic effect on all other sentinent life on this planet. I aint apolgising for racism, but your apolgist arguments justifying specieism are
what's truely abhorrent. How much time is spent in the punk scene calling out people who commit sexist/racist/homophobic acts against humans? Why such self centered concern for something as vile as humanity?


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