[Note: this was composed in prison where proof-reading facilities are notoriously bad. Please don't hold that against the author. You can contact Kyle through the address listed at the end of this entry.]
There's a lengthy documented history of the fbi using agent provocateurs to incite violence in a peaceful protest group in order to give themselves the justification necessary to subject these groups to greater scrutiny by law enforcement.
Its likely there's not even an Antifa / Black Bloc element in these protests.
And instead, you got fbi agents in Carharts, with Discharge & Amebix backpatches & Guy Fawkes masks stirring shit up....
We should be remembering Mark Essex not George Floyd. One of the first innocent black victims of racist white cop murderers..
I used extreme self mutilation as tools of protest. You willfully inflict pain you take away their main method of control and deterrent. As well as requiring them to transport you to a hospital and observe you. Wasting manpower and costing them money.
I've felt my kidneys shut down and the burning euphoria as the muscle tissue devours itself from prolonged hunger and water strikes. Hunger and water strikes force them to respond within 72 hours and do forced cell extraction with a response team and medical transport.
I've gotten charged multiple times for assaulting cops. I've had a cop punch me in the head until he broke his wrist in the process of cracking my skull open.
I've fought it out with numerous cops. I got the scars and the criminal history to prove it
I had cops in county jail keep me in a cold cell with no clothes and no mattress for around 6 months straight.
Naked, freezing, on cold concrete, 24 hour lockdown . No time out of my cell. No human contact. But in most of those fights, i was being an asshole, i incited a lot of it,
or was at least doing something fucked up to put myself in that position.
I fought the law for a long fucking time and got the charges, the scars, the trips to the er etc. It quits being worth it after awhile and you quit feeling like a martyr and it quits being some glorious punk rock direct action and instead becomes something childish that limits and detracts from your ability to live your life to the fullest and do what you want to do with your life. All that smash the state idealism starts to feel silly.
The opinion of the citizen on the street appalled by alleged police brutality doesn't fucking matter to me because those are civilians. They only step the fuck up when their herd steps the fuck up. They only decide to fight their oppressors when its trendy. They have also never directly experienced police brutality. They're in it to party like spring break and get some free shit. Not fight the power.
I marched at the front lines of most of the Occupy Portland protests in 2012. Occupy quickly degenerated into a hippy juggallo crust squat drug party in the park.
Nobody is going to come out and say this but the fact is a lot of the chaos in the streets on the news, has nothing to do with George Floyd. It's more about cattle that have spent too long in social isolation , getting cage crazy & frisky, deciding to go out for a night on the town.
Like a block party.
You see a lot of dilettante tourists, & weekend warrior posers trying to deal with the guilt and self loathing over being a white minority... The majority of protesters are focusing on looting consumer goods because they're programmed by the mass media to covet and acquire these possessions in mass quantities. So instead of a live action reenactment of Assault On Precint 13,
We get Black Friday doorbuster deals....
Floyd is just an excuse that provides the prerequisite justification necessary to make an activity all of us would love to partake in socially acceptable to the herd. Now that its become socially acceptable with the herd to go out and run amok in the streets the masses play follow-the-leader in a classic case of folie a deux.
Just like how whenever the US wants to invade something, it's because there are power hungry tyrants that get off on the slaughter but they'll always tell you its for the greater good. Just like serial killers only get prosecuted and labeled monsters because they didn't kill for church and state but for themselves..
Nobody ever thought about the fact that George Floyd's death may be an agent provocateur event designed to incite the masses. Killing an unarmed black man in plain daylight and making no attempt to conceal the crime or look out for cameras or witnesses despite being trained law enforcement professionals is somewhat implausible unless they wanted to be seen.
You can't just bring in the National Guard to round up the sheep and impose curfews for no reason. So you create a situation that makes this totalitarian act seem on the outside to be committed in the name of public safety.
Then they're looking out for you, not trying to control you.
Like scaring cattle with a cattleprod so they stampede right down the slaughterhouse chutes (A.K.A. FEMA CAMPS)....