Sunday, November 12, 2017

Apopthelema Entry 9 Part 1 by Kyle Nonneman

Apopthelema Entry 9 Part 1 by Kyle Nonneman

by Kyle Nonneman

[Note: this was composed in prison where proof-reading facilities are notoriously bad. Please don't hold that against the author. You can contact Kyle through the address listed at the end of this entry.]

Both these albums are top tier. AntichildLeague combines shifting layers of loops into dissonant textured soundscapes that mix elements of Death Industrial,Power Electronics Noise,Brian Reitzell soundtracks and Die Form's Some experiences with shock, Into cohesive sound sculptures..Holy Spirit alternates masterfully between abusive collage instrumentals and more traditional power electronics. Combining somber and hypnotic pieces with harsher more abrasive actions.
     A lot of thought and skill was put into assembling these pieces.Cracked Lips has an awesome beat that sounds like a Mindphaser Ghost Rider. The pieces with vocals sound like Intrinsic Action&Haus Arafna with a Scorpion Violente' -esque menace layered atop buried 'Seconds too Late' Sheffield grooves. 'I Hate You' has a nice aggressive Sektion B sound to it. It has some of the forgotten elements of Cloister Crime as well.Iv heard a lot of Power Electronics & i worship early SPK.
     These two records combined are masterpieces. You can't simply classify this as Power Electronics or Death Industrial.. Its more evolved, intricate and intelligent than the majority of work being tagged with those labels and this more then anything else iv heard recently invokes the spirit,sound and inventiveness of the first wave of industrial: Factrix,T.G, SPK,Broken Flag,Kondukter, before there was a name for it back when it was unclassifiable,obscure, esoteric insanity existing in the transgressive fringes of the underground, not the dance floor. 
     Uncompromisingly original & innovative. Not a retro pastiche. This is essential 
Iv followed Gnaw for awhile and own most of their releases. 
            The Collected Atrocities period work was a sprawling psychotic cutup collage of Cold Meat Death Industrial, Somanabulant Corpse Dark Ambient, Abyssic Hate, and deep nods to Horror soundtracks fleshed out with alot of heavily processed guitar work breaking down into a gray area between Sigh, Abruptum and Khost. Various levels of evil vocals throughout. Abyss of Longing Throats, was a more cohesive attack,distilling the most potent and evil elements of his earlier work into a more structured and articulated assault on the listener.Less droning more surgical abuse. But it still remained as hauntingly atmospheric and epic as the earlier work.The Dragged Into Sunlight/Gnaw Their Tounges collab was a sick masterpiece of chaotic sadistic experimental blackened death, like Scar Sighted period Leviathan crossed with Discordance Axis. 
        Then there's this Gnaw Their Tounges full length.This is very subpar in comparison. Most of Hymns sound like warped Drum Machine Grind 7" played on a broken turntable through cheap pedals . Like an ambient Ganglia....The samples are nowhere near as powerful and carefully curated as the collab with Dragged Into Sunlight With Hymns you get Laptop Blood Axis, Download remixing Xasthur. and a poor man's Full of Hell/The Body but instead of Chip King's horrible vocals you get some evil depraved blackened gore depravity.
       (Get a new vocalist Lee! Chip sucks! You could contact mic a dude raping a cat and it would sound better than Chip!)
      When you compare this to what he accomplished on other releases, it sounds as fucking lazy as Chip Kings vocals. Gnaw could have put in slightly more effort and beat on some scrap metal..Pretty much anythings better than jerking off with Fruity Loops . Fruity Loops is responsible for so much generic hackwork that its pretty much a malware virus with real world consequences.
     There's a lot worse shit out there like Prurient . Its a decent full length for what it is but your haunted too much by what it could have been. 'Your Kingdom shrouded in Blood" is a beautifully cold dark ambient piece with minimalist martial industrial elements and disturbing tormented vocals mixed into it perfectly.. But its followed unfortunately by some Drum machine grind noisecore gabber glitch bullshit...
     This is some pretty weak shit. Considering what Gnaw has proven himself capable of on Abyss of Longing Throats. Especially the title track to Abyss!.... You're better off just buying Abyss or if you already own it, then get some Sutekh Hexen.

-end part 1-
 You can contact Kyle at:
 Kyle Nonneman
777 Stanton Blvd
Ontario OR 97914-8335

You can also see a profile and have e-contact at:

I'm Mykel Board, and I post for Kyle because no one else will. If you're interested in my own ideas, you can read me at:

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