Monday, November 20, 2017

Apopthelema Entry 9 Part 6 by Kyle Nonneman

Apopthelema Entry 9 Part 6 by Kyle Nonneman


by Kyle Nonneman

[Note: this was composed in prison where proof-reading facilities are notoriously bad. Please don't hold that against the author. You can contact Kyle through the address listed at the end of this entry.]

Stephen O'malley came out of the Post grunge scene in Seattle to form Burning Witch whose work was one of the only slow bands on Slap A Ham-- besides Noothgrush. Chris Dodge advertised it as "Molasseses-core." Burning Witch carried on the torch from old school traditional acts like Saint Vitus , adding the crushing sludge elements you heard from Grief and in the breakdowns to alot of the acts Slap A Ham was putting out. And keeping the Sabbath Live at Asbury Park-esque vocals semi traditional. The Burning Witch record on Slap a Ham was underrated because a lot of people buying Slap A Ham's vinyl releases were focused on grind/power violence/fastcore.

After Burning Witch's demise O'malley put out a zine focused on noise largely of the hipster/Load records/Wolf Eyes variety. Sunn O)) started as an Earth cover band and became its own entity. 

Me and James Downing opened a fest in 2003 with a collaboration set. Sunn O)) was on the bill for that fest , along with Oscillating Innards and Daniel Menche. Sunn O)) was the only band performing at that fest not using controlled feedback setups/modular analog synths arrays or custom made electronics equipment. The sounds they produced weren't very impressive, especially when trying to follow Daniel Menche. It was weak and not very interesting. The day after the fest was the infamous basement house show where i followed Sleeping with the Earth's set by blowing out the pa and causing his neighbors to call the cops, ending the show before any of the touring bands got to play, but one of the touring bands was impressed and gave me a deal to get my Ruby Ridge Ep released on their label. 

After that fest performance Sunn O)) dropped out of the noise and metal scene entirely , playing to art gallery crowds and shit like that. Sunn O))) inspired a lot of dropouts from the underground or rejected failures to start putting out hipster art house experimental nonsense. Noodling mathcore Neurosis worship, jerkoff bullshit shoegazing indie rock and shit like that isn't fucking experimental. Sugarcoating something that was once brutal and harsh with quirky novelty elements isn't experimental. That type of shit became popular because you have a lot of christian sympathizer emo kids that cut their teeth on major label indie rock and Radiohead that feel they're too mature for true metal or their scared of the extreme abrasive nature of true underground extreme music.

Or their inner christian causes them to reject the values and ideology of true metal. But they still want to be part of something and listen to underground music, but nothing too heavy.... Nothing too scary.... Keep it family friendly..... 

The internet and acts like Wolves in the Throne Room,My Bloody Valentine,Lightning Bolt and Sunn O))) help start this pathetic trend that was further carried on by Justin Broadrick's post Godflesh work, Jesu. Godflesh to me was overrated. A lot of it's largely just Broadrick reverse engineering a more metalhead friendly drum machine adaptation of early Swans.

I wouldnt give a shit so much if these pathetic posers didnt insist on acting like this shit was innovative or experimental. To be an experimental musician means to push the boundaries of established aesthetic expression in transgressively iconoclast directions that challenge the accepted genre labels. Sunn O)) is decent work but Sunn doesn't bring anything new to the table. I did a split with The Rita in 2002 before HNW became so fucking fashionable&accessible. 

The Rita is a master at it unlike all the posers that followed it. 

Like most HNW you can cover any Sunn O)) song with a DoD grundge and a Dod Meatbox in a loop. Two pedals. You want to top what Sunn does just contact mic a broken air conditioner into a Mxr blue box and a Hm-2 , and turn up the reverb on your amp... You can also cover Sunn by just holding down the first key on a synth and twiddling the filter section. Sunn O)) is good easy listening relaxation music to numb your brain but as far as it being innovative experimental music that's bullshit.

People active within the underground need to stop playing Mccarthyist witch hunter games and being P.c. Scene police and focus instead on more relevant endeavors like calling out and purging this type of weak shit from the underground instead of elevating it to a position of subcultural authority. A lot of sycophant cunts trying to make a name for themselves back in the day tried to get on O'malley's good side so they could get printed in his zine. Now days you see that scene he helped start become a shelter and a refuge for false weak uninspired hackwork shit out by grown up Radiohead fans and reformed high school Emo Kids trying to get serious for college radio.... Before the internet became so mainstream these posers would just graduate from Radiohead to Tool....Now they listen to shit like Ulver and Opeth.

-end part 6-

Vengeance Rising

 You can contact Kyle at:
 Kyle Nonneman
777 Stanton Blvd
Ontario OR 97914-8335

You can also see a profile and have e-contact at:

I'm Mykel Board, and I post for Kyle because no one else will. If you're interested in my own ideas, you can read me at:

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