Friday, June 7, 2019



by Kyle Nonneman

[Note: this was composed in prison where proof-reading facilities are notoriously bad. Please don't hold that against the author. You can contact Kyle through the address listed at the end of this entry.]


I wouldn't be surprised if the assholes in this band didn't rock Shelter backpatches and trade degrading sexual favors for rare Revelation records test presses...Dead Kennedys performed Nazi Punks Fuck Off live onstage. Back when you still had a lot of skinheads at shows. Jello said it in their face. Slapshot didn't hide behind a computer or an anonymous joke band. Same thing when Minor Threat came out with straight edge and criticized the drug wrecked party punks. They performed it live in your face. So they became anthems and forces of change within the underground. 

This band will never perform live.All the song titles on this ep are death threats against metalheads or shit like "Varg Impaled". This is either a trolling joke band ripping off Anal Cunt or some cowardly punks trying to copy Slapshot... Either way its a useless release saying nothing of value. Weak minded lesser men trying feebly to drag down their superiors. This band wont play this shit live or come out and show their true faces. In prison you have a subhuman class of inmate known as a cell warrior. Cell warriors are child molesters and rats that hide in the hole behind inch thick steel doors. Safe behind steel doors they yell insulting and disrespectful comments and empty threats to the active violent gang members to incite a reaction out of boredom. But they'll never come out of their cell and say it to their faces. This band and the people that support this shit are essentially just cell warriors. And just as pathetic. Adopting the tactics of cage crazy pedophiles hiding in shame to condemn and mock a movement superior and more valuable then the worthless lives of its detractors. . Fuck off and die.


I listened to Xasthur alot when i was drinking heavily. It goes good with alcoholism... Sober Xasthur loses a lot of its charm... Stylism over substance at its overrated best....Most of this record is just distorted X-Mal Deutschland ripoff bullshit atop poor man's Abruptum vocals mashed up with some shitty attempts at Mutillation. Degenerate Uprising has a sludgy funeral doom thing going on with some low end gurgling vocals like a rawer Nortt with Demillich vocals. Probably the best track on here. 

Degenerate Uprising is followed by a cover of Black Sabbath's A National Acrobat. He gets the tuning fairly correct. (C#,G#,C#,F#,A#,D#) The main riff is played fairly accurately. The riff is slightly blackened and it sounds pretty cool. But Xasthur doesn't even play the 2nd riff of the song, the wah pedal/hammer ons played underneath the verse 3&4 riff. It ends with a bass riff and doesn't break into a solo, stopping cold. It feels empty and half-assed without a solo. Not to mention the other 3 riffs besides the main riff Xasthur neglects to play.

Iommi's mysteriously twisted solo on National Acrobat is one of his best and like TNT hasn't been transcribed. I doubt Xasthur can shred anyway. Its an obscure Sabbath track and to the best of my knowledge, there's no official tablature or notation for the Sabbath Bloody Sabbath album. Its funny how many people incorrectly compare doom metal to early Sabbath when Iommi didn't start the majority of his down tuning until the 4th album... Listen to Avulsed's Neon Knights, Belphegor's Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, Brutality's Electric Funeral, or Brutal Truth's Lord Of This World if you want to hear extreme metal covers of Sabbath... Xasthur's work is as always hit and miss , full of stylistic inconsistencies and failed experiments. With most Xasthur work there's usually a few good compositions scattered throughout a lot of weak shit. I pretty much just bought this because i was curious to hear how badly he mutilated Sabbath.. Same unfortunate morbid curiosity that keeps Six Feet Under in business.

Waste of money....


Kristallnacht is one of the greatest black metal bands. Endless blastbeats and indecipherable hypnotic tremolo patterns with very few distinguishable riffs. With a raw and brittle production that sounds like hell. With a fierce and powerfully inspired vocalist. This is uncompromisingly Lofi committed true black metal. Harsh and abrasive as fuck. Atonal dissonant minimalism. You can fuck off and die if your looking for anything melodic. 
Most of this has the fumbling violence and black noise depravity of cassette rehearsal demos. There's nothing technical about this band. Just a blasting hellish assault of misanthropic black metal.

This is one of my favorite black metal bands and this is an essential document of their work...
You can contact Kyle at:
 Kyle Nonneman
3405 Deerpark Dr SE
Salem OR 97310

And here's some more art from Kyle:
You can also see a profile and have e-contact at:

I'm Mykel Board, and I post for Kyle because no one else will. If you're interested in my own ideas, you can read me at:

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