Saturday, October 7, 2017

Apopthelema Entry 8 Part 1 by Kyle Nonneman

Apopthelema Entry 8 Part 1 

by Kyle Nonneman

[Note: this was composed in prison where proof-reading facilities are notoriously bad. Please don't hold that against the author. You can contact Kyle through the address listed at the end of this entry.]

Brain damaged worthlessness. The muttering sounds of a sell out victim of child molestation who now yearns to press his lips to the groins of still innocent children, so he can taste what he used to taste like, before he sold his flesh out in service to the greater depravities of his master and became a burnt out husk. A traitor pretending to be something of value, providing the inspiration and instruction for others to follow in the wretched path he has taken towards perpetual aesthetic whoredom.. You listen for moments to the leaking grey dust and cliches .The silent explosions of powerless emo-violence electronics beating a sampled drum ring modulated through a rectum noise gate to the sound of mother's urine. Acoustic qualities that don't reach out to anything but a maudlin void of pedantic failure , the sounds of a subculture so dead inside and without purpose it has chosen this false profit as its messiah. 

(it should also be noted that Prurient has become a born again christian and all the lyrics on this lp are pro christian jesus freak shit..)

paint by numbers Disintegration of Unknown Pleasures through the hands of a dull uninspired hack guitarist provides the backing track for some wretched skank that sounds like Diamanda Galas with Down Syndrome on pain pills. Or a toothless harelipped crack whore after a stroke doing Cocteau Twins Karoke... The drooling mumblings of a deaf girl choking on her tongue. This is like an all girl goth version of The Kids Of WIdney High. Layla Gibbons loves this band so i should have known better. Layla Gibbons tricked me once before by comparing Angie's Turning lp to early Chrome.
This band is basically Burning Witch with their balls cut off! It sounds like some shitty bedroom DSBM project trying to go legit by crossing over into indie garage rock. Overly discernible riffage that's blatantly derivative Primitive&Deadly/Glider worship. The whiny bitch vocalist for this band sounds like his last gig was playing in a middle school Linkin Park cover band and the guitarist sounds like hes just doing emo pastiches of Earth/Jesu/ riffs with the occasional shitty digital preset factory default effects at the end of the jam because he cant solo very well. The guitars never build into anything fully crushing, they just noodle around and hint at it.

Like the careful hesitation marks on a teenage cutter trying to freak out his parents never actually carving through anything vital. This is the type of shit posers that can't handle true doom spend time seeking out because they can't understand the lyrics or it's loud or too distorted , and all that prattle., Those arent valid criticisms.It's like listening to an immature pedophile complain about sex with an adult woman. Your immature and fucked up in the head and you have a little dick, so you manifest your pathetic insecurities by fucking children because healthy developed adult women scare you and intimidate you . Just like the people who listen to false metal a.k.a radio rock. Real metal is too extreme and you can't understand the words so you stick with the kiddy shit.
Nash was a cult surrealist composer most active in the late 70s/early 80s. An antecedent to the current work of Christopher Young and Brian Reitzell. He just died recently. His work was a deranged cross between the psychedelic prog you hear on Italian horror soundtracks & the sound of Conrad Schnitzler outtakes being tortured by Coil. Plus there's  a lot of bizarre violin work in the tradition of Erich Zann.
Lofi Tascam necromancy summoning drowning waves of cryptic distortion accented by cold winds of static. Haunted by obscure paralocrian melodies buried like a still fuckable corpse in an avalanche carved out by tormented indecipherable swedish vocals. Exsanguinating into primitive dark ambiance. Than rising again from the cold wastes to scream in anguish against the world of the living as a mournful acoustic guitar is played in a futile effort to silence the screams from the grave. Only to be overtaken by darkness.
Michael Gira said that electronic music post Kraftwerk was like sex with 10 condoms.This is more forced&unlubricated. Rythmic proto power electronics like Intrinsic Action with a subtle early Sheffield groove. Minimalist beatbox/analog synth setup. Cold sadistic vocals. This is that rare 'Seconds too late' /Konduktor sound few can pull off correctly. Following in the honored tradition of Lille Roger,Cloister Crime and November Novelet. essential.

More to come:

 You can contact Kyle at:
 Kyle Nonneman
777 Stanton Blvd
Ontario OR 97914-8335

You can also see a profile and have e-contact at:

I'm Mykel Board, and I post for Kyle because no one else will. If you're interested in my own ideas, you can read me at:

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