Monday, August 13, 2018

APOPTHELEMA ENTRY 16 PART 1 by Kyle Nonneman

(Note: This is the latest entry from Kyle... I'll return to his previous entries after this one is complete.)


by Kyle Nonneman
[Note: this was composed in prison where proof-reading facilities are notoriously bad. Please don't hold that against the author. You can contact Kyle through the address listed at the end of this entry.]

Weird violent fusion of Slap A Ham & Slapshot that kinda works.... Like they enjoyed both sides of the Spazz/25 Ta Life Split 7"...

M.R.R. columnists say this band's politics aren't kosher. So it has the added subversive appeal of a blacklisted Hollywood film from the Mccarthy era... Fuck what M.R.R. says.

Historically in the late 1970s through 1984 San Francisco was a hotbed of experimental /postpunk/industrial. Survival Research Laboratories/Factrix/Subterranean. Until Harvey Milk was assassinated and Mayor Diane Feinstein tore up & redeveloped downtown. Then all the innovative transgressive acts moved to New York & Colorado and generic hardcore took over the scene.
Now what little is left of the generic hardcore scene is being destroyed by San Francisco based MaximumRockNRoll. A zine based out of a scene hostile to experimentation & innovation shouldn't be allowed to call the shots and police the rest of the underground.

There's a nice parallel between what happened to the bohemian friendly downtown SF when a female mayor took over SF after Milk's death and when female editors took over MRR after firing the best columnist. (Shitworkers always made me think of Mentors' Sewage Worker..)

Lamb Of God is the MxPx of speed metal!

This sounds like charter members of the Fred Durst fanclub doing shitty Vengeance Rising covers. I read an interview with this major label false band in Guitar World. The front cover said some inane shit about Lamb Of God saving Extreme Metal.

Extreme Metal being delegated to a more marginalized underground fringe kvlt status and losing its commercial viability as a radio friendly consumer product is a good thing. Lamb of God sells edited versions of their already weak false metal. You have no fucking artistic integrity anymore once you agree to sell censored versions of your music. Lamb of God are just a basely derivative pastiche of melodic American speed metal filtered through the bile of Hot Topic metalcore/post Slipknot/In Flames radio rock.

Lamb Of God is so derivative you lose track of who they're ripping off at the moment... Lamb Of God apologizes in the interview for previously calling the original incarnation of their band Burn The Priest. Assuring the mainstream corporate trend slaves there was nothing satanic about it. They just wanted to shock people. Then they fittingly change their name to something obviously intended to be sympathetic to christians and fill their lyrics and song titles with generic,subjective and overtly ambiguous content. So they avoid offending anyone.

That's why this album is called palaces burn instead of churches. It's even more of a sellout tactic then the 1980s thrash bands that yelled about satan on their first couple albums then started singing about nuclear war or whatever by the 3rd album. There's no point in even acknowledging the existence of this false band of alterna-jock sellouts. They represent the new wave of american butt metal. Thats all.

Acts like Lamb Of God are worse then the 1980s spandex & hairspray poodle rock bands because those bands owned their falseness. They didn't delusionally pretend to be extreme metal or put on a false front to trick people into thinking they were a legit extreme metal. They owned it. They rocked the faux transvestive Dr. Franken-fondler makeup and the neon spandex and came right out of the closet.

Take Carpathian Forest's advice and "Spill The Blood Of the Lamb".

You can contact Kyle at:
 Kyle Nonneman
3405 Deerpark Dr SE
Salem OR 97310

And here's some more art from Kyle:

You can also see a profile and have e-contact at:

I'm Mykel Board, and I post for Kyle because no one else will. If you're interested in my own ideas, you can read me at:


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