Monday, May 28, 2018

Apopthelema Entry 10 Part 3 by Kyle Nonneman

Apopthelema Entry 10 Part 3 by Kyle Nonneman

by Kyle Nonneman

[Note: this was composed in prison where proof-reading facilities are notoriously bad. Please don't hold that against the author. You can contact Kyle through the address listed at the end of this entry.


Wiccans and most people that read Crowley ripoff new age magick/Inner Traditions tracts are not satanists or occultists. They are at their humanist core no different from christers.

These ignorant cattle get bored of being prey animals so they decide to call themselves wiccan or get some Crowley knockoff books with interesting symbols in them that look cool and mystical. Its just a vain childish attempt by prey animals to futilely pretend their lives have purpose and meaning by grasping at things far beyond their abilities. 

The common masses are centroclines , so when they try to deviate from the exoteric center of their existence, they inevitable gravitate back towards the status quo of their herd. A lot of Crowley's work is vague,abstract and to lesser mortals appears to have a subjective & relative meaning fully open to personalized interpretations and misquoting like the bible.So they can cite it as a source to justify and legitimize all kinds of basely ignorant reactionary minded nonsense. 

The Bible is like someone being tortured, the more you torture someone the more they agree with you and tell you what you want to hear. The more you pick at the bible &"study" it, the more things you find to vindicate your conservative views & extol your bottom feeding idiocratic stupidity as a virtue .The bible is written in a childishly subjective fashion and is riddled to its core with contradictions and open ended prattle. There's no truth to be found in the bible. Its just the juvenile scribblings and diseased senseless thoughts of ancient madmen. 

From an era when they didn't know any better and thought schizophrenics with down syndrome living in the desert eating their own shit (Ezekiel 4:12,Isaiah 36:12) were prophets and messiahs. Now we know better but mankind still believes their gibberish.

Generally when sheep start making these pedantic attempts at becoming born again occult scholars they acquire a delusional sense of greater self worth and place a vastly overrated value on the importance of their lives. Wiccans are just another species of christer. Wiccans like the spooky occult mysteries and the conceit of being into something alternative and mystical but they don't have the integrity or courage to fully step up and reject the value systems and moral codes of christianity,Catholicism or Semitism. They still want to retain a good standing within the herd and be a part of civilized christer society. They still want to remain tethered to their mass media feeder tube and follow the status quo of christer culture.

They're simple minded dabbling tourists. So they cling to the Wiccan faith so they can tell their christian jew catholic friends that they're not evil satanists . No, they just worship nature and fairies in the woods with dirty old battle axe dykes. They'll sometimes tell you their stupid theories about how jesus was a white magician... 

Wiccans are typically deathly afraid of being categorized alongside satanists and will get uppity and defensive when you stereotype them as devil worshipers . They'll start rambling off some pedantic prattle about nature,spirits, herbs and goddesses of good and recycled hippy free love rhetoric and then start listing off all the things the Wiccan faith has in common with christianity,semitism or catholcism. It all changes depending on the faith of the person they're sycophanticly trying to please .Repackaging and marketing their belief system to get greater acceptance from the herd. That's servile bovine herd conformity not individuality. Proving yet again that these people are fucking cattle..Exoteric tourists that will forever live their worthless lives as centroclines. 
They need to just be thrown to the fucking lions....

If you call yourself a white witch you'rer no different from a nun. Wiccans are as deserving of death as christers.
They try to assimilate themselves amongst satanists and pretend to be different from followers of christ-based faiths, but when you strip away the cheap paint job, you find just another lamb of god in disguise. Sheep in wolves clothing.... 

Wiccans can all fuck off and die. 

All the false assimilationist satanists that hang out with christians and catholics trying to debate the positive benefits of Satan that like to talk about Lucifer as an angel can also fuck off and die!

To me that's like going out to a farm and talking to the cows and trying to have a relationship with the cows.
Instead of sending the cows to the slaughterhouse to be killed and made into tasty steaks and burgers. 
(You shouldn't play with your food.) A Wiccan gathering is a lot like a field of talking cows trying to argue that their purpose in life isnt to be slaughtered and eaten.

Just as silly,delusional and as much of a joke as the bible is.

You can contact Kyle at:
 Kyle Nonneman
3405 Deerpark Dr SE
Salem OR 97310

And here's some more art from Kyle:

You can also see a profile and have e-contact at:

I'm Mykel Board, and I post for Kyle because no one else will. If you're interested in my own ideas, you can read me at:


Sunday, May 13, 2018

Apopthelema Entry 10 Part 2 by Kyle Nonneman

Apopthelema Entry 10 Part 1 by Kyle Nonneman

by Kyle Nonneman

[Note: this was composed in prison where proof-reading facilities are notoriously bad. Please don't hold that against the author. You can contact Kyle through the address listed at the end of this entry.] 

An interesting thing about the Fbi being able to infiltrate child pornography rings is these people generally aren't stupid. It takes a certain degree of technical skill to access these groups. Most of the established hardcore groups won't grant someone admission unless they can provide new fresh original material in trade. So where is this new material coming from? 

I don't believe that most of these individuals would actually stop being passive computer cowards and move behind the anonymity of their electronic proxy and actually abduct a child. I have a profound morbid fascination with the darkside of human nature. The ugly depths of depravity our species is capable of has always interested me to the extreme. I think Barb Daly is the same way. The only difference being Barb Daly is intelligent enough and functional enough to turn her obsessive fixations on the things that make us lose our faith in what we are , into a noble honorable career. shes found a socially acceptable outlet. That allows her to justify and rationalize her special interests as being done in service to the greater good. The same thing that drove me to channel my interests and depravity into music,art,writing etc.The same thing that drove Edward Lee to become the most hardcore horror writer. 

Only difference between Barb Daly and a horror writer or an extreme metal musician is Daly gives back to the community, Daly thinks somehow we can be saved from our nature ..I realize and have accepted that were already on our way to hell and most of us are better off dead. I accept death and what i am and i embrace it. I heil the coming apocalypse. Daly types think it can be prevented or at least protracted. You have to like Nico Claux said, find a balance between your desires and the limits imposed by society. Because if you're as fucked up as i am , and that far gone, you can't simply suppress all of that and shove that disease down inside of yourself. Lest it become a festering abscess and burst with the stench of the hole in your soul being bared to the outside world.

It's like a boiling pot of water,. If you have a boiling pot of water on the stove, you can do three things with it:

1.turn down the heat and let it go cold and dead, and dump it down the drain
2.let it boil over and burn you
3.use the boiling water to cook yourself a nourishing meal.

These entrapment cases are fucked up to me on a personal level.

If you take a recovering addict , trying to control their addiction and get clean and then berate and badger them with whatever their addicted to, they're more likely to relapse than if you had left them the fuck alone. It's like giving a razors to a suicidal patient like in Hellraiser 2. 

Dave Kennedy was targeted because he was one of the founding members of a white supremacist prison gang. Dave Kennedy was approached by undercover ATF at a Narcotics Anonymous meeting, and the ATF pestered him about trading a gun for meth, not taking no for an answer. Until finally Kennedy said "Ill text you about it later" . 

That statement was used to charge him with Constructive possession of a firearm in furtherance of drug trafficking. I read all his paperwork. With the constructive possession laws , you can be charged for simply being around a gun or drugs. I believe gun laws do prevent violent crime. I got anger management issues. I've impulsively snapped and caused severe damage to people.When me and my ex would fight we would go after each other with random household objects. If i could have just gone to the store and bought a gun as easily as a can of 4Loko , without all the paperwork and shit, and i didn't have to find some tweaker or something selling a stolen gun and risk getting arrested for felony possession of a firearm, if it wasn't so inconvenient , with all that risk, red tape and effort involved, then my ex girlfriend would likely be dead and i'd be on death row right now..

So i know gun laws work, they'v prevented me from killing people.You go up to a fucked up violent individual and try to give them a gun, knowing they got self control issues, you circumvent and undermine the purpose of gun control laws. The same applies to these conspiracy cases against child porn freaks. It takes a lot of commitment, risk, and effort to actually go out and abduct a kid. A lot of them are into the Nambla trip and don't want to kidnap a child, they want to befriend them and seduce them.  But then here comes Mr. Undercover agent, offering them a too convenient and easy opportunity to pass up kid to diddle.... Bolstering their courage. Its like bringing a six pack to an AA meeting. 

Another interesting aspect of it is the laws. If you give someone as much time for raping a kid as killing them and possession of kiddy porn gets you as much time as rape and murder, then what the fuck's the point of trying to control your sickness with an activity just as illegal? Also if someone rapes a child, then why leave a witness alive?

To be continued:

You can contact Kyle at:
 Kyle Nonneman
82911 Beach Access Rd.
Umatilla  OR 97882

And here's some more art from Kyle:

You can also see a profile and have e-contact at:

I'm Mykel Board, and I post for Kyle because no one else will. If you're interested in my own ideas, you can read me at:


Saturday, May 5, 2018

Apopthelema Entry 10 Part 1 by Kyle Nonneman

Apopthelema Entry 10 Part 1 by Kyle Nonneman

by Kyle Nonneman

[Note: this was composed in prison where proof-reading facilities are notoriously bad. Please don't hold that against the author. You can contact Kyle through the address listed at the end of this entry.]

Fbi profiler John Douglas said some individuals with paraphillias can control them and lead healthy functional lives through fantasy and role playing. Unfortunately current Fbi supervisor Barb Daly doesn't respect John Douglas' views on the subject.

After Valle, the cannibal cop, was acquitted on appeal, Barb Daly's C-19 task force went after other individuals within the fetish community. The Fbi used agent provocteurs to entrap and incite individuals to action in order to arrest them. The use of undercover agents was necessary. Because as they sadly learned with the Valle case some judges still give a shit about the first amendment.

If you look at what is being done by the FBI and in particular Barb Daly's C-19 taskforce in a historical context , they are grooming and inciting these events in order to create something tangible enough to go forward with an arrest. In the Christopher Asch & Richard Meltz case, this is obvious.

The Fbi had an undercover agent pose online and then offered them the use of a house to take an abducted women to and consulted with them on methods of torture&cannibalism. If they had been left alone and hadn't been infiltrated by an Fbi agent making a sustained effort to incite them & coerce them into action. Its not very likely they would have actually stepped from behind the anonymity of the internet and actually done anything.

The same thing is done with pedophiles. They take individuals trading Kiddie Porn and offer them children and and a place to take the children..The thing about Kiddie porn and the Fbi is as Peter Sotos pointed out, the Fbi is the largest active distributor of child pornography in the world. They take all the child porn seized, tag it with tracking viruses and then put it back into circulation simply so they can bust pedophiles on possession charges.

Feminists say porn creates rapists. If that's true then what's the effect of the fbi distributing kiddie porn? The possession and distribution charges obviously vastly outnumber the actual manufacturing charges. Just like the number of Conspiracy to commit (thought crimes) charges outnumber the actual number of crimes actually committed outside of an individuals head. If these people were such a threat then why did they have to be groomed and provoked by an undercover agent?

During the 1960s the Black Panthers were infiltrated by the Fbi. The Fbi armed them , gave them automatic weapons, had them pose for scary photos and the Black Panther members that were advocating direct violent action instead of non violent protest were mostly undercover fbi agents..

The same thing was done later in the 1970s against the American Indian Movement as was heavily documented in the book IN THE SPIRIT OF CRAZY HORSE. One of the significant things AIM never connected was the Fbi and the Federal Bureau of Prison's use of the medical unit at Terre Hautte to assassinate political subversives. A few subversive AIM members that supported Peltier were taken to the medical unit at Terre Hautte and were assassinated.

In the 1990s, Bruders Schweigen member David Lane, after being arrested during the operation that led to Bob Matthews death, spent years publishing books and pamphlets. Lane was in perfect health when he was on the Usp Florence yard. Then he was transfered to the medical unit at Terre Hautte for routine dental surgery and ended up dead.

I was on the max penitentiary side of Terre Hautte in 2006. During the last riot, that's where i met Jay Scott Ballenger the missionary of Lucifer responsible for torching 33 churches. The National Church Arson Task Force was started because of him..The 2006 Homegrown terrorist act, allowed individuals suspected of being members of "homegrown terrorist groups" to be held indefinitely in a B.o.p facility. Odinism is classified as a homegrown terrorist group. So if you call yourself an Odinist, the Fbi can label you a terrorist and send you to a black site.You also have the 4246 commitment in which the Feds can assign a P Number to an individual and commit them indefinitely.

So if they deem someone mentally unstable they can use this to hold them in a federal prison. Offering the Feds another Orwellian method to prosecute individuals for thought crimes. Also look at the Mohamed Mohamed case. I was in the same high security unit as Mohammad. Mohamed. He was a young impressionable kid easy to mold and manipulated. So like a pedophile grooming kids, they fed him all this direct action rhetoric and provided him with the van and the explosives to bomb Portland. Mohamed had no connections or bomb making experience. The Fbi took this 19 year old peer pressure zombie, fed him all this direct action rhetoric and gave him the van and the bomb.

I knew Mohammed personally, he was just your typical angry young black kid. Not a terrorist until the Fbi made him into one. Using the same methods white power groups use to turn angry teenagers into activists....

You can contact Kyle at:
 Kyle Nonneman
82911 Beach Access Rd.
Umatilla  OR 97882

And here's some more art from Kyle:

You can also see a profile and have e-contact at:

I'm Mykel Board, and I post for Kyle because no one else will. If you're interested in my own ideas, you can read me at:
