Monday, September 11, 2017

Apopthelema Entry 7 Part 7 by Kyle Nonneman

Apopthelema Entry 7 Part 7 by Kyle Nonneman

Apopthelema Entry 7 Part 7 by Kyle Nonneman

[Note: this was composed in prison where proof-reading facilities are notoriously bad. Please don't hold that against the author. You can contact Kyle through the address listed at the end of this entry.]


Pbs replays Bbc stuff late night on Saturdays. This is a vintage movie i think? The Nimon monsters are pretty fucked up which is why i stopped at this channel. Really bizarre looking creatures.Black spandexed slugbait minotaurs , like some sketchy bad acid trip nightmare creature. I haven't seen this monster before their not as family friendly as Daleks and Cybermen and somewhat scary,that might have something to do with it. These underrated monsters are almost a prototype of the weird shit you'd see in later cult horror films like Basket Case and Night Breed..I could see someone getting dosed and watching this in the seventies and having a bad time... They should have saved these evil demonic things for a Barbarella knockoff. A rare instance when campy scifi fun inadvertently crosses over into the realm of nightmares. Like the Bomar Monks and Fukasaku's Green Slime.

The great information archaeologist Russ Kick turned me onto this.

This is a very controversial and inflammatory book that exposes an ugly aspect of human history that most people cannot swallow. Most people were afraid to even review this book. The few reviews that were published of this book were hatchet jobs meant to slander it and discredit the author. A Harvard journal went so far as to cite quotes from the book the reviewer made up himself. Resorting to outright lies to suppress this. Unpleasant truths are better than pleasant falsehoods and its only when we know and understand the worst about ourselves and our fellow man that we can compartmentalize and comprehend the nature of existence. This is a harsh work of uncompromisingly brutal truths that remind us of the fact that no one is innocent and that we cant simply look at things in terms of black and white ,good vs evil,. The author approaches this extreme subject matter with good taste and restraint. He refrains from resorting to morbid exploitation.

This book needs to read by anyone interested in reality.

Its a very well sourced and heavily annotated expose on the jews who setup over 1200 concentration camps at the end of world war 2 and beat, whipped, tortured and executed mass numbers of German civilians in revenge for the holocaust. Centering around Lola , the jJwish Ilsa. Despite the subject matter there's nothing tabloid about this... (I wonder if Celine knew about this?......)

After hearing the second album by this band i was very excited to finally get ahold of their debut album Razed to the Ground.

Psychedelic doom&sludgy post-Krautrock lurching beneath layers of analog synth and theremin work like a reanimated corpse clawing its way through layers of dirt to the surface, summoned from the beyond by a chanting priest in league with cthulhu. The vocals sound like the reanimated corpse of Syd Barret possessed by the ghost of Ian Curtis.This as always invokes obvious comparisons to Goblin, Fabbio Frizzi and Nash the Slash.This has more of a heavier doom element to it, less abstract then the second album. Like a satanic perversion of early Alien Soundtracks/Half Machine Lip Moves Chrome. As always, this is a unique cult act that defies classification . It's all over the fucking place, theirs a lot of weird shit going on with this record but it all ties together into one of the best records iv heard in a long fucking time. absolutely essential cult material
ASPHYX-Live Death Doom

One of the best and most canonical live doom metal records since Sabbath Live at Asbury Park New Jersey.This is a retrospective of their best material recorded live . This is fucking brutal and harsh. This is mastered as loud as Merzbow>> The guitar work is like someone slowly sawing the head off a body with a rusty hacksaw, straining to cut through the tendons and then struggling to get through the spinal cord. Imagine a Motorhead 45 of raw live bootlegs played at 33 through a blown out amp. No quick deaths, slowly savoring the pain,drinking the blood,dismembering the corpse piece by piece while still alive.The abrasive raw trebly buzzing high end guitar tone Asphyx uses in between crushing doom sections, is fucking harsh. In combination with the Lemmy on pcp gargling broken glass vocalist you have some unrelentingly extreme shit. Asphyx fucking kills it. 

You can contact Kyle at:

Kyle Nonneman
777 Stanton Blvd
Ontario OR 97914-8335

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