Saturday, January 30, 2016

Apopthelema Part 2 of 6 by Kyle Nonneman

Apopthelema Part 2 of 6

by Kyle Nonneman

[Note: Because of a lack of time and resources, I'm posting these columns as is. Please enjoy them or comment as you wish. They have not been proof-read, so the errors that a proof-reader would catch are included. Please don't use those errors against the writer. They happen to us all... it's just that some have the resources to correct them, others do not.]

"we willl wash the blood from our hands once we kill every priest"-BELLICOSE MINDS
"no devotion anymore/the voice of god means nothing/lets burn the temple"-REVCO
"All humans feed on violence,on the small exercises of power over another,but few have tasted--as we have the ultimate power.And without that Ability,few know the unequaled pleasure of taking a human life. Without the Ability,even those who do feed on life cannot savor the flow of emotions in stalker and victim, the total exhilaration of the attacker who has moved beyond all rules and punishments,the strange,almost sexual submission of the victim in that final second of truth when all options are canceled,all futures denied,all possibilities erased in an exercise of absolute power over another.I despair at modern violence.I despair at the impersonal nature of it and the casual quality which has made it accessible to so many. I had a television set until i sold it at the height of the vietnam war. Those sanitized snippets of death meant nothing to me. But i believe it meant something to these cattle which surrounded me. When the war ended and the nightly televised body counts ended,they demanded more,more, and the movie screens and streets of this sweet and dying nation have provided it in mediocre,mob abundance. It is an addiction i know well.They miss the point. Merely observed,violent death is a sad and sullied tapestry of confusion. but to those of us who have Fed, death can be a sacrament."
-Carrion Comfort
Andrew Underwood condemned this shooting, yet this same M.R.R columnist has no problem promoting hardcore records with anti religious themes and fascist bashing lyrics. Yet when someone actually takes it beyond the realm of fantasy, oh no..."you cant do that"...."this is just a game"... Bowing before the altar of christ and rocking out to Skrewdriver are equally contemptible activities. The Swastika was meant by the nazis to represent a catholic army. Secterian violence has for centuries provided hypocritical tyrants with an ideological justification for there acts of barbaric atrocity. In modern times christers are as willfully blind to the blood on there hands as they are apologetic and revisionist in there interpretations of the old testament. The body count for this mass shooting was only 9. Thats a fraction of the number killed by jesus cultists during the various inquisitions,crusades and witch burnings that helped make the world a safer place for ignorant sheep. If you want to talk about sociopathic mass murderers what about King Olaf? Christians used to butcher children on purpose in order to get the death penalty. They would then pray for forgiveness prior to being executed. They did all this just to get to heaven early. Suicide is an unforgivable sin so they got around holy law by killing kids. Its not as if this individual shotup an animal shelter full of cute kittens.No... All he did was some minor pest control on a nest of cock roaches. Nonetheless the shooter was a pedantic failure and a perpetual loser. He was obviously looking for a demiurge to blame his failures and shortcomings on. Those were his true motivations. Not the lofty ideals professed in his illiterate manifesto. Full Force Frank would agree that this was the unsophisticated act of a pathetic loser. This massacre clearly dosnt hold up to the standards of quality set by Jay Scott Ballenger and Mark Essex. The entire human race is a weed species that should be exterminated. Social darwinism makes total sense. But basing someone's value on there skin color is illogical and inane. I find it laughable that the ignorant redneck mouthbreather responsible for this massacre was frivolously attempting to start a race war.Most of the established nazi groups feel the same way about inbred trailer trash like the shooter as the Mattachine society did towards "limp wristed swishers". In addition african american christians are a thoroughly broken and sadly subjugated class, that have chosen to embrace the belif system of there oppressors. Christianity was used by crackers to justify slavery. Slaves were spiritually raped into abandoning there native african tribal culture. Enslaved mentally as well as physically. African American christians are as pathetic as women who marry there rapists,instead of stepping the fuck up in righteous Baise Moi fashion like Inez Garcia and Aillen Wournos did. So its silly the shooter targeted these types of blacks. It was a redundant act. Since they were already dead inside.
seeking shelter in lies.


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