Monday, August 5, 2024

Kyle Goes On A Hunger Strike For His Guitar

 Jail Hunger Strike for my Guitar

by Kyle Nonneman

[Note: this was composed in prison where proof-reading facilities are notoriously bad. Please don't hold that against the author. You can contact Kyle through the address listed at the end of this entry.]

From Kyle for Blog & forwarding:


I'm on a hunger strike, I'm not eating till I get my electric guitar. I'm not a poser. I take it seriously. Im fighting for metal and waging war on censorship! Spread the word ! LONG LIVE THE DEATH CULT! there's other numbers and email on there. Quickest number to call is 541 922 2001 I need people in the community to call or email and bitch at the department of corrections. 

They temporarily confiscated my electric guitar pending investigation because its "Altered" Plenty of prisoners stick decals stickers on there guitars. I put a collage on the body that's a black and white collage of corpses. Like a rawer black and white version of that old Carcass album cover. There only grounds and argument for the censorship is dead bodies are offensive and disturbing. There only disturbing and shocking in the denial of natural mortality judeo christian sense. In terms of thanantopsis and the Aghora and Baudelaire and Genet , Its a therapeutic mediation on something natural . 

Censorship in prison has to be rationally connected with the established goals of maintaining institution security. The personal tastes of the censor should not unprofessionally factor into the equation. If my guitar displayed pornography ,escape plans or gang symbols that would be a valid threat to institution security. But corpses no. They're also acting against their own mission statement of accountability and reintegration by denying me access to a therapeutic tool I utilize to assist myself into becoming a functional member of society. 

Complaints from outside free citizens carry more weight. Just like in the zoo. They don't give the animals better treatment until customers complain. A monkey screeching falls on deaf ears. If you can help I'd greatly appreciate it you help SUPPORT THE SCENE!

You can (and should) write to Kyle

Kyle Nonneman
Snake River Correctional Institution
777 Stanton Blvd
Ontario OR 97914-8335

My (Mykel's) Blog is at